Fahrwest Logistics offers professional customs services in Poland. The service will be of interest to importers and exporters of goods, logistics companies. If you work in the field of foreign economic activity, use the advice of our manager by phone, in person or by e-mail. We will be happy to answer all questions and provide qualified assistance.
Services of a customs broker in Poland
Hundreds of trucks cross the borders of Poland every day. Hundreds of tons of goods and raw materials are brought into the country by rail and air, as well as exported by exporters. A number of goods are transit products that go through Poland to other EU countries. And some goods remain in the country. In any of these cases, proper paperwork is necessary to avoid questions and difficulties at the border, as well as in the future when legalizing goods.
If a company does not have its own customs broker or even a team of such specialists, it is not easy to cope with the task on its own. After all, customs clearance in Poland is regulated by the EU Customs Code. How to prepare import, export and transit customs declarations? What is an INTRASTAT declaration? How to calculate the cost of customs duties and other fees required when registering imported / exported goods? Are you ready to deal with all these issues?
To properly prepare documents for the import or export of goods, you need to understand all the legal subtleties and nuances. Our specialist will take care of the paperwork, as well as representing the interests of the customer in the competent authorities by proxy. The customs broker (Poland) will make sure that the customs clearance process is completed as soon as possible and with maximum benefit for the cargo owner.
What services does a customs broker provide in Poland?
Poland is a member of the European Union, so EU customs regulations apply in the country. Import and export of goods is processed exclusively with external contractors – countries that are not members of the European Union, and only if the cargo crosses its borders.
For goods crossing the border of Poland, the type of customs procedure is determined. For example:
- Transfer of cargo to the owner after payment of taxes, duties, excise, verification of permits/certificates.
- Registration of the transit procedure for goods that are temporarily imported into Poland from a country that is not a member of the European Union.
- Customs warehousing (imported goods can be sent to a customs warehouse without the collection of tariff duties) until another customs procedure is chosen for the goods.
- External or internal processing of goods with their subsequent export to the EU markets (the procedure may be accompanied by the passage of a number of legal directives, the issuance of certificates confirming the compliance of products with European standards).
A customs broker in Poland performs the following types of work:
- collection, preparation of documents, various certificates, for example, FITO, SANEPID and VET, if necessary;
- cargo declaration;
- transit clearance (T1, TIR Pass);
- entering data into the register of the customs agency;
- opening of the customs procedure (Single Administrative Document SAD);
- calculation of customs duties and other necessary taxes;
- control check of the documentation;
- control of payment terms or payment of duties on behalf of the client;
- control of the movement of cargo within the boundaries of the customs warehouse.
Our clients do not need to be distracted from business to control exports and imports. We provide customs services as quickly as possible, clearly fulfilling all bureaucratic formalities. Fahrwest Logistics values its reputation and, in order to maintain it, carries out multi-stage control of documentation to prevent inaccuracies.
Why choose us?
- Favorable prices and conditions.
- We have abandoned standard schemes, we work individually with each client in order to satisfy his needs as much as possible.
- High speed of application processing and provision of customs clearance services.
- Consultation in simple words and, in essence, allowing our clients to understand the whole algorithm of our work.
- Brokerage services on a turnkey basis, that is, full cargo escort.
- No hidden fees.
- High standards of work.
Remember, even one minor mistake in the preparation of documents can lead to significant delays and even re-export of the cargo. Entrust customs clearance to specialists. Do you have any questions? Call us, we will answer them.